Podcast Assessment

Recently I've made a podcast. While I was doing it, I'd found some cool websites with podcasts. If you're interesting, down below there is my assessment of two of them. 


By the way, I think it will be useful for those who want to learn English. 
Lots of love :)

The language level of potential listeners should be medium or, preferably, above average, since the text of podcasts is complex enough, but speech is not fluent and legible. Podcasts are presented in the form of everyday topics that helps to master the basic language. Themes are from music to business. There are a number of complex exercises for podcasts on grammar, vocabulary and phonetics. It is possible to choose exactly what is needed. Voices are both male and female, the British accent is present. Speech is prepared and pleasant.

All podcasts are very informative, listen in one breath. The duration of each audio recording is 5 - 6 minutes, and they feature a clear spoken English speech, a perfect correct British pronunciation. The subject of some of the stories is related to grammar and vocabulary, but despite such seemingly boring topics, all this is presented very fun, with colorful examples from real life. At the end of some podcasts, there are exercises or quizzes. Other podcasts tell about any events that have occurred or are taking place in England, about the customs, traditions of this country, about people. Certainly in every podcast you will find a bit of lambent humor about the English themselves.
